Life After Laboring

Thinking about RETIREMENT?

Before you commence pension benefits, you will be able to set up an appointment with a representative from the OLFBP Fund Office, who will meet with you at your Local to explain the different options available and answer any questions you may have.

During the session, the representative will assist you in completing all of the forms needed to commence retirement and retiree insurance. You should try to meet with the counselor approximately 90 days before you wish to receive your first pension check. You do not have to wait until you quit working to apply for a pension benefit. If you are married, you are encouraged to bring your spouse to the meeting since some forms may require your spouse’s signature.

If interested in setting up an appointment, you should contact the Education Department at OLFBP to set up a meeting. When you come to the session, you should bring the following documents:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Spouse’s Birth Certificate (if married)
  • Marriage Certificate (if married)
  • Divorce Decree (for any/all previous spouses)
  • Estimate of Benefits from Social Security (if interested in Social Security leveling options)
  • Bank information – account and routing numbers (if interested in direct deposit)
  • DD214 form (if service in military during laboring career)

Call (800) 236-6437 to schedule an appointment.

Local 860 has recently formed a new Retiree Council. If you are retired and have not joined, please call the hall to get more information. If you are planning on retiring, please make sure you take advantage, as there will be outings and events to attend.

Retiree Council

Dominic Olivo

Rafael Chajon

Albert Bindokas

Recording Secretary
Samuel Francazio

Mike Giordano
Goffredo Piciacchia
Michael Little