MEMOTO: TO ALL LIUNA REGIONAL OFFICES, DISTRICT COUNCILS, AND LOCAL UNIONS IN THE UNITED STATESFROM: Terry O’Sullivan, General President, LIUNARE: Update on the Bipartisan Infrastructure BillDATE: August 25, 2021Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives took a step in the right direction on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework, but we’re still nowhere near victory, so we need to keep the pedal to the metal in our campaign to pass this critically important jobs-generating bill. Rather than passing the infrastructure bill, as we have been calling on them to do, members of Congress passed a rule which advances the Build Back Better agenda, and sets a timeline for a vote on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal by September 27.I am convinced that without your amazing advocacy around the infrastructure bill, they would have continued to delay the infrastructure vote indefinitely, playing politics with our jobs. You not only emboldened our friends to stand strong, you let those who would sacrifice a once-in-a-lifetime bipartisan infrastructure package know just where we stand. We need to keep that pressure on, and make sure that the House keeps its promise to vote on the infrastructure package by September 27, regardless of where the Reconciliation bill stands. We can’t allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.Please continue to pressure members of Congress to stick to this timeline, and please be sure to thank the ten moderates who have been working hard to pass this bill for all they have done, and continue to do, on our behalf. Members of Congress on all points of the political spectrum have been seeing, hearing, and feeling our power, and we need to make sure they continue to do so until the infrastructure bill passes and is signed by President Biden.Thank you, again, for all that you do, day in and day out, to serve our members, and to pursue the cause, the purpose, and the mission of LIUNA.LIUNA 905 16th Street NW Washington, DC 20006 |